3 Main Ways of How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution



3 Main Ways of How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

cleaning ventilation plastic dust. the filter is completely clogged with dust and dirt. dirty ventilation in the room. Disinfection service.

3 Main Ways of How to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

Everyone wants to breathe easy at home but stale air, paint fumes, and other indoor air pollution can make that difficult. However, jif your indoor air quality isn’t what you’d like right now, there are a few key steps you can take to fix the situation. Current Home is here to tell you three principle ways to cut down on indoor air pollution.

Increase Ventilation

Increasing outdoor airflow is one way to reduce indoor air pollution. The more outdoor air you can circulate through your home, the less contaminants will stay inside. With modern technology, some HVAC systems are built to bring outdoor air inside while also cooling the dwelling. However, not all systems are equipped to do this so sometimes opening a door or window is the best way to let fresh air enter a home.

Tip: When you are using products with extreme levels of pollutants or fumes—like paint, sanding, welding, or heating—it is best to work outside or next to a door or window.

Decrease Emission Sources

Although better ventilation is ideal, decreasing emission sources can be a cheaper and more convenient option. It is best to seal or remove products that contain asbestos, like older attic insulation, specific floor tiles, and outdated plumbing. Other products that don’t contain asbestos but still release pollutants can be monitored and be adjusted to produce the least amount of emissions. For example,if you have a gas stove or fireplace, you can survey the emissions it is releasing and adjust your settings or usage.

Air Purifiers

When browsing through air purifiers it can be easy to get lost in the wide variety available. How do you pick the right one? Well, the most effective air purifier will be one that excels at improving both air circulation and pollution collection. One without the other will result in a poor quality air purifier.

When wondering how to reduce indoor air pollution, air purifiers are a great option and come in all shapes and sizes. You can find everything from small purifiers for a specific space to large home-installed purifiers.

Checklist for Reducing Home Air Pollution

  • Clean Air Filters: Dirty air filters can cause mold to build and spread air pollution throughout your house. We recommend changing air filters at least twice a year. It is best practice for those with pets to change air filters every 60 days.
  • Avoid Fire: From burning food in the oven to a wood burning fireplace, smoke and soot can add to home air pollution.
  • Dehumidifiers: Depending on where you live, dehumidifiers can help decrease moisture in the air that may lead to mold and other pollution.
  • Minimize Deodorizer and Cleaning Chemical Use: Air fresheners, cleaning supplies, and other deodorizer sprays may cancel out smells and clean services but build air pollution. Tip: Microfiber cloths are more effective than cotton for cleaning without contaminating the air.
  • Declutter and Clean: Clutter in the house attracts dust and adds to air pollution. To help reduce dust, frequent vacuuming and dusting will diminish debris.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking in the house is a huge factor in home air pollution. Not smoking in the house helps, but to fully enjoy the benefits of clean air, quitting smoking is best.
  • Wash Linens: Regularly washing bedding, towels, and pillows will help minimize collection dust and pollution, providing you with fresher air.
  • Open Windows: Not only will a little bit of fresh air brighten your day but opening windows can also let out any lingering air pollutants.

Learn More

Now that you have an idea of what to look for when reducing air pollutants, give Current Home a call for a professional opinion on your current home situation. Call today and learn more about living in a clean environment.